MOTHERS; they care for us, protect us, and show us lots of love. Having a mother is one of the greatest gifts of God. We appreciate them for having created us within themselves. If it wasn’t for our mothers, we would all be left alone with no one to love and care for us.
On May 5th 2015, Erin Stoffel, was at a Wisconsin bridge with her husband Jonathon and her 3 younger kids. A gunman was near and randomly shot at Stoffel’s family. Not knowing any of the victims, the gunman managed to hit Stoffel who was protecting her two sons. Jonathon was shot and killed along with their 11 year old daughter Olivia.
Sergio Valencia Del Toro, 27, had just gotten into an arguement with his ex-fiance and was eager to release some steam by shooting at the family of Stoffel. A few seconds later, he then pointed the gun to his head and killed himself. Stoffel, the mother of all 3 kids, was shot 3 times by the gunman. Trying, she managed to protect her two younger sons who are safe and sound.
“You can never underestimate the power of a mother to protect her children. To have three gunshot wounds and be able to get off that bridge and save two of her children is incredible to think about,” Dr. Ray Georgen at Theda Clark Medical Center in Neenah said Monday.
Erin Stoffel is truly a hero. She acted and responded like a true mother would, protecting her young ones. It’s so sad to see how people are cruel enough to damage the lives of others; and to take their own life away, it’s just horrible.
I think that a lot of people in society need help to control their anger so that crimes like these don’t happen. Instead of taking the life of another and your own, you should go ask for help. Stoffel had made a huge sacrifice to save her loved ones, something that we all need to learn how to do.
I’m glad that my mother is still around to take care of me and love me, so don’t forget to say “Happy Mother’s Day” this Sunday to appreciate everything your mother has done for you.
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Anthony_Hester • May 7, 2015 at 2:02 pm
Its sad to say that things like this happen all the time.A lot of people would see this story or one of the many other stories that are similar and say that we need to improve gun control laws. I partly agree with this. They do need to improve the laws but this story isn’t really about lack of gun control its more of a story about someone with a lack of self control.
marielena0221 • May 7, 2015 at 1:40 pm
It is amazing what a mother would do for their own kids. They are a truly blessing gift from God. Sometimes kids don’t appreciate their mothers and that is wrong, because they gave us life, and not only that, they wake up every morning to help us during the day. No matter how old the child is, they never abandon us, and they’re always with us when we need a hand. A mother is the only person in this world that would give up their own life for us. Now a days, people are so screw in the mind that do stupid things only because they’re mad or they want attention. Most people should get psychological help because this types of crimes are increasing not only in the US but all over the world.