The Civil Rights And The Korean War

The Civil Rights And The Korean War
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        “The Cold War was to be a long lasting and continuing confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States. Following World War II, many African Americans and whites united to protest the racism and discrimination that existed in the United States”. There was many wars during the The Cold War. There was one war that started it all since WWII, The Korean War.

       In 1950, North Korea created conflict with South Korea. The United States convinced the United Nations to defend South Korea from North Korea. The United Nation forces pushed North Korea back above the previous divided line, the 38th parallel. The 38th parallel was a line that divided South and North Korea, it crosses North and South Korea 38 degrees latitude. These borders in Korea still exist today. The war ended on the 27 of July in 1953 with both Korea’s divided at the 38th parallel.

      The Korean war was the first war of the Cold War and major conflict since World War II. Most call the Korean War the “Forgotten War”. In 1948, President Truman made an executive order that the military be integrated for war so that congress did not have to approve it.  This war was the first war that was integrated.  Americans fought side by side racially integrated which fought along the civil rights movements back home in United States.

      The Korean War changed the world because it was racially integrated.  If western democracy is so good compared to communism then it must face its flaws in the form of racism. The United States had to get rid of the discrimination and communist of segregation in order to stand up for what they believe in which is democracy. They can’t be against communism when they have their own type of communism. I believe this is why President Truman integrated military and to only make it right to carry out Truman’s containment policy.