The ban of a certain type of jeans and an unhealthy habit, is this right or wrong? Shouldn’t everyone have the right to rule their own life? According to the Islamic State, smoking is now banned in the northern Syrian province of Raqqa.

Young men wearing skinny jeans, and keeping music on ones phone is now an offense that can lead to jail time. Residents living in Raqqa could face a sentence of at least ten days in the jihadist run jail. At the end of the initial sentence an Islamic Course test will have to be passed to have prisoners released. All throughout Raqqa, morality groups male and female roam around the streets looking for residents that do not follow the obscure Islamic teachings are brutally executed due to those teachings. The new restrictions being placed on millions of Syrians by the extremist group are tightening their group over the population. Many have been arrested for breaching “God’s law” and either have been jailed or executed.
The apparent “God’s law” is nothing more than to have a crippling grip on the land occupied by ISIS. This violates democratic values all the way around. The democratic values especially authority, life, liberty, personal freedom, and equality. Killing people based off of religious beliefs is just plain wrong.
These laws are violating the freedom of speech, the pursuit of happiness, and general freedoms that should be guaranteed to any and all. Good luck to the men and women of every country that is fighting this abomination that should have been wiped off the face of the earth years ago and good luck to the Assad regime and its military for fighting this menace as well.
Andrew Powers • Apr 14, 2015 at 12:37 pm
ideally yes. but that’s all but impossible. if the government of Columbia were to adopt our abortion laws there would be a revolution. Similarly the United states wont be removing “under God” from the pledge any time soon. In a perfect democracy the ideas and beliefs of the people are the only factors in the actions of the government. Religion has a large impact on the ideas and beliefs of many people.
NewsmanJim • Apr 13, 2015 at 2:50 pm
Personally, who is anyone to say that a person cannot ingest this or that. Crank, heroin, and coke have been proven to be unhealthy however like you said “who are you to decide what substances people should be allowed to use for recreation.” It’s not being to mean put those questions out it brings up other poin of views. Culture carts for region to region and so do the rules and regulations mandate by other religions but in government religion has no place.
alexskates59 • Apr 13, 2015 at 2:39 pm
I do think it is wrong to kill people for violating these things that us americans know to be a normal thing. But like I said we live in America and some things that we believe, other countries or cultures may not. We have to be respectful to these customs and not look at it from an american point of view but from a point of view of any human being.
Andrew Powers • Apr 13, 2015 at 12:07 pm
I’m fine with you saying “Shouldn’t everyone have the right to rule their own life?” so long as you think cocaine heroin and crystal meth should all be perfectly legal. because otherwise who are you to decide what substances people should be allowed to use for recreation? are you a doctor? have you extensively studied chemicals affects on human brains hearts lungs kidneys and all other organs, then studied the behavior of those using the drugs within society and then mathematically calculated and deduced what substances are tolerable within a given society? sorry if I sound mean im not trying to say your article was bad, im glad someone has gone beyond covering ISIS as a military force and given us a look at how they function as a government which would presumably be very similar to how all Syria would be governed if they are allowed to succeed. I’m merely saying that personal freedom (which inst inherently a democratic value)is not black and white and different cultures, religions, and generations all have different views on what an acceptable level is.