Veterans Day

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In honor of the men and women who keep us safe  the Mountain View family would like to say; Thank You for Your Service and Sacrifice.

Honoring Military Service and Sacrifice

It’s important that each and every one of us reflects on the fact that somewhere in this world a soldier is committed to making the ultimate sacrifice, affording them the opportunity to live in the greatest country in the world. An opportunity that has not come free but instead has come on the blood of Patriots (support):  Soldiers willing to sacrifice all — give up their own lives to benefit ours. Families who will never return their fathers or their mothers. Children who will grow up not knowing the man and the woman who God put on this Earth to raise and rear their family.

Instead, we enjoy those sacrifices. We walk through a life of convenience and comfort, often forgetting the greatest of our kind,  the men and women who willing to defend and those who where unable to defend themselves. The ones who will bleed and shed their blood to ensure each and every one of us never suffer the same consequences of our oppressors.

These are the people we honor today. They deserve our reverence. They deserve our respect. They’ve earned their right to be looked upon as Heroes in this country. Anything less than that does a disservice to who we are, what we have, and what we stand for. let’s put aside discrimination,  judgment, hatred…

We all bleed one color. We have today, because of many like them gave their ‘todays’ before us

Thank you, to the men and women of the Armed Forces for the hundreds of years of sacrifice that have placed our families in the positions they sit today. We love you, and may God bless each and every one of your families
