Where I come from

I am from Leesburg,
Martinsburg, and Ranson.
These towns have nothing in common with each other.
I am twice from Winchester, Berryville,Harpers Ferry,
Purcellville, Lovettsville, and Hamilton.
My least liked place that I lived was probably Martinsburg
because it was a city full of druggies and violence.
I am from crappy, absent, unloving parents.
I am from a low income, single parent household.
I grew up with a “step dad” who was an abusive addict.
I am from an uneducated mom who dropped out of high school in 9th grade.
and got pregnant by a piece of sh….
I am from sausage gravy,
mac and cheese, and boiled hot dog water.
I am from unhealthy food,
Taco bell, and keto lasagna.
I am from a black and white room
listening to sad, relatable, and emotional music
to cope with my feelings.
I am from a traumatic childhood but I am
Strong, Resilient, Determined, Flexible and Persistent.