During the United States involvement in WWI which was from 1917-1919 there were several posters, commercials, and Broadway shows that clearly displayed propaganda. This propaganda was used in order to encourage people to join the war, so citizens can support our country along with our safety and freedom. In many cases they displayed enemies as evil, unfair basically only in a negative way. They all had a common goal identifying who we are at war against. Government exaggerated the actual truth of the imagine which makes it a one way message that was easily convincing civilians to support the cause and enlist for the war.
There was a numerous of different propaganda posters like economically, they were War Bonds and displayed it as a “Victory Bonds”. Uncle Sam was one of the main characters that provided a lot of motivation for male citizens to insist in the army, fight for their country. He wasn’t created during WWI. His been well know and used for propaganda ever since the war of 1812. The government also started to sell stamps that went to a good cause of helping the war demand of money in order to ship ammo and weapons to the courageous soldiers fighting the war, in order to protect the citizens of the United States of America

spwarnz • Dec 9, 2015 at 9:09 am
Governments during the World War were committed to massive resources and the effort to produce propaganda to shape opinion and actions internationally. Propaganda was used to promote social change. During World War 1, the government used propaganda mainly to control the information. The newspaper printed articles specifically to put their opinion out there. Most propaganda was biased and lead to feelings of anger just as said in this post they used newspapers, the radio, and posters to voice their opinion. This link show more examples of propaganda that was shown throughout World War 1. http://www.ww1propaganda.com/
M.Wyatt • Dec 9, 2015 at 9:06 am
the above link gives more information on liberty bonds
example entertainers spoke to the people about liberty bonds
M.Wyatt • Dec 9, 2015 at 8:57 am
after reading this I understand that liberty bond is when you use your own money to support/help defend the country.