This year at Mountain view for our Service learning Project our main theme is Hunger and what we can do to step in and make a difference. We have been discussing what hunger looks like in our own community and trying to identify things we can do to make difference no matter how small or big. Things such as sacrificing our lunch period to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in order to produce food for others that are hungry. It is hard to imagine that within our own community so many kids,adults, and families are going hungry. Food shelters and churches are always accepting volunteers to help
We are currently looking for Mountain View student drivers to pick up and deliver donated food from Centreville Elementary school to food distribution points.
You can volunteer to drive and deliver food to the shelter by the signupgenius link below. Weekly deliveries will be made through the first week of June.
The Katherine Hanley Homeless Shelter website is (http://www.fairfaxcounty.
NOTE: This opportunity to volunteer is for Mountain View students only.
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maddievanv • Apr 2, 2014 at 1:47 pm
This is a really informative article about how Mountain View, as a community, can come together to help those around us who are deprived of food. It was very helpful that information about different ways to contribute, and how to sign up was listed in a link at the bottom of the page. Hopefully this article inspires more Mountain View students to participate in giving back to the community by helping others in need.