An African American View of Global Action for Climate Change


I once lived in Addis Abeba and now I live just West of Washington DC.

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As a student from Addis Abeba, Ethiopia who now studies in the United States, I have become aware of how climate change affects us differently in different places.  A developed country like the United States has more opportunities to help find solutions because they have access to education and resources.  Developed countries need to lead the solutions and need to work with the developing countries because with greater power comes greater responsibility.

The Global Classroom Project is a way for students in developed nations to communicate with each other.  Last month my classmates and I were speaking with students in France about shared culture and shared actions to help meet goals for sustainable development.  These goals  were first published in 2015 by the United Nations.  It is up to developed nations like the United States and France to lead the way if we want to meet the targets by 2030.

We are raising our hand as global citizens during a video conference with students in Reims, France

The French students shared their enthusiasm for American culture and music.   We suggested that using music and entertainment culture could help developed nations to educate the world.  If we have a message about action on environmental issues like climate change we also have the power to share it in music or art or media.  France is good at reducing food waste.  The United States can be better.  The United States has a powerful culture of communication that can be used to spread environmental solutions and encourage local actions.

My Ethiopian people are more fragile in the face of the climate change struggle.  The average Ethiopian is a hard working person trying to do business or to raise animals or to farm. Any effect on farming will significantly affect the Ethiopian economy.  Climate change in Ethiopia can bring both drought and heavy rain.  Both of these are bad for land use and farming.  Both can have bad effects on the economy because of crop failure and destruction of farming land.  The developing nations have resources that must be protected from possible disasters.

From my own experience I would say developing nations should have a little more clean air or non polluted because  they don’t have a lot of industry.  They are dependent on another nation and they mostly use imported manufactured items.

Ethiopia has an agriculture-based economy, wherein the agricultural sector accounts for 46.6% of national GDP and 85% of total employment. 

The city of Addis Abeba is shown in contrast to the traditional farming of the countryside

The farming in Ethiopia has been very traditional but now it is changing.  They are on their way but some farmers are looking for better money.  As more nations develop and population grows, sustainability becomes even more important. Ethiopia also makes clothing  and coffee.  Also, Ethiopia is known for exporting chat.  Chat is not food but is like a drug more in demand than coffee.  It is a cash crop but it does nothing for the food economy in Ethiopia.  If we want to eliminate poverty and hunger in Ethiopia we need to have a plan that gives farmers more money for growing food instead.  The investment of extra money to farmers for quality food production and land use will also motivate farmers to have more sustainable development in Ethiopia.   Sustainable development helps to fight the negative effects of climate change.

What is climate change?   climate change occurs when changes in Earth’s climate system result in new weather patterns that last for at least a few decades, and maybe for millions of years. The climate system is comprised of five interacting parts, the atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere.

What is the cause? climate change is caused by human activity, as opposed to changes in climate that may have resulted as part of Earth’s natural processes. In this sense, especially in the context of environmental policy, the term climate change has become synonymous with anthropogenic global warming.

What is the effect? the consequences of climate change both expected and realised for natural and human systems. Climate impacts research is typically interdisciplinary and frequently involves the construction of climate impact models.

How can we stop? choose a utility company that generates at least half its power from wind or solar and has been certified by Green-e Energy, an organization that vets renewable energy options. If that isn’t possible for you, take a look at your electric bill; many utilities now list other ways to support renewable sources on their monthly statements and websites.

How is industry affect?these pollutants not only harm public health, but also harm the environment, bringing about climate change, the greenhouse effect, and the ozone hole. Not only is pollution caused by factories, but also from everyday activities such as driving cars and trucks.

How does environment affect the economy?natural resources are essential inputs for production in many sectors, while production and consumption also lead to pollution and other pressures on the environment. Poor environmental quality in turn affects economic growth and well being by lowering the quantity and quality of resources or due to health impacts, etc.

How climate change looks in  a developing and developed nation?


United States is 9 times bigger than Ethiopia